Caffeine Intravenous

sexta-feira, 24 de março de 2017


Got inside a sold out gig just by asking people at the door, so kids, never forget, it's only sold out when you don't even try to get inside! PUTAN CLUB was an impressive surprise, their reputation preceeds them. No labels, no media coverage, no recording albums, just touring like maniacs to the most unexpected places in the world... RESPECT! Music is also cool, like their manifesto, it's free, they do what they want and the duo angry dynamic works well. RUSSIAN CIRCLES on the other hand played like gods but didn't open their mouths not even once to say hi! or goodbye! Whatever, the music is powerful and drives you down to a mental state of self-reflection and angst which... I enjoy! The other supporting band... CLOAKROOM! Shit, they should start their career by retiring early and go farming, so much emo-singing, was disgusting, had to leave the venue while they played but overall it was awesome!

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