Caffeine Intravenous

quinta-feira, 6 de julho de 2017

Das 23h às 7 da manhã na maratona de horror do Indie Lx 2017

CALL BACK by Carles Torres
Taxi Driver meets Immigration Exodus meets Couchsurfing meets High hopes and miserable social skills in a detached environment struggling with a massive non diagnosed identity crisis and displacement syndrome. The actor kicks ass and I believe the movie depends a lot on him and that's why it works. The tension builds nicely and the end is predictable but, in these cases, it works exactly for that reason. Let it burn and keep on dreaming, even with a dead body in the trunk!

 Sublime plot, development, characters, suspense, everything but... Why THAT ending? Looks great like... don't get me wrong, I like weird monsters like the next guy but... no explanation, no Andromeda constellation, just cuz it's Lloyd from Back to the Future I can turn him into a bug and get away with it or was there something I missed here... are US city outskirts this grim? Jeez


RAW by Julia Ducournau
Hilarious but when a bit over board and repetitive in the end. It's like Claire Denis going back to college and having a recurrent cannibal nightmare. Entertaining but the concept gets all scattered and messy. It felt like: "Guys there's still 100K on the budget but other random bloody scenes can we jam inside this joint while we're here?" Fun 4 Fun with a mild chick appetite.

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