Caffeine Intravenous
segunda-feira, 27 de março de 2017
sexta-feira, 24 de março de 2017
IDEA CAMP 2017: MOVING COMMUNITIES (Wish us luck!!!)
What if as a filmmaker I could provide psychological relief and inspire refugees by helping them to run their own independent cinema screenings so to show solidarity, create awareness and share information about the biggest humanitarian crisis of our generation?
28 Feature documentaries and about twice as much shorts in 11 days of festival!!! A M A Z I N G <3
Got inside a sold out gig just by asking people at the door, so kids, never forget, it's only sold out when you don't even try to get inside! PUTAN CLUB was an impressive surprise, their reputation preceeds them. No labels, no media coverage, no recording albums, just touring like maniacs to the most unexpected places in the world... RESPECT! Music is also cool, like their manifesto, it's free, they do what they want and the duo angry dynamic works well. RUSSIAN CIRCLES on the other hand played like gods but didn't open their mouths not even once to say hi! or goodbye! Whatever, the music is powerful and drives you down to a mental state of self-reflection and angst which... I enjoy! The other supporting band... CLOAKROOM! Shit, they should start their career by retiring early and go farming, so much emo-singing, was disgusting, had to leave the venue while they played but overall it was awesome!
ANTHEM OF THE HEART by Tatsuyuki Nagai
4.5 / 10
WTF Japan... seriously? This film is sweet and fucked up to the bone marrow at the same time. What? How the hell are kids so naive and cute and guilt trippin' all over the place?! Bullying in Japan is followed by the parents of the perpetuator public humiliating themselves with something unthinkable like... arm pit smell sauna or getting late for the prom.. I don't know what to say about this, it's just too much! Firstly, don't watch it, it's a waste of fuckin' time (even for children and especially for Western children I think they might interpret it exactly the opposite way as it's intended). Secondly, amazing pace, there's never a boring moment. Lastly, drawings are so clean and impeccable it's awful. Only Pixar could do worse than this!
3 / 10
Lets keep it short: Martin, an Italo-American director, renowned even in outer space, has the spoiled urge of doing something in Japan, cuz he can, so he reads a couple of wikipedia pages and since his "Last Temptation of Christ" was such a big (and understandable) success... why not, lets see, why not use a couple of Portuguese couple of jesuit priests going through all sorts of spiritual crisis for Mr. Scorcese to ramble about the same subject beaten down all over again: that all religions have the same theological background (i.e. Nature) and that faith is within us and the belief system itself is just a shell for the beauty of humanity and how cross-cultural it is to try and impose it by force. Thanks! I needed that! Very well shot by the way, love the smog shots although, I beg your pardon, I bet you both my testicles I could do better with a 40 million dollar budget.
TRAINSPOTTING 2 de Danny Boyle
6.5 / 10
Along with Seven, Pulp Fiction and Goodfellas... Trainspotting was probably the film I've seen the most during my adolescence. For that matter, I wore a "No Expectations" protection vest on the sequel and it was worth it. I haven't read "Ecstasy" by Irvine Welsh so I have no idea how creatively free was Boyle in this work but, whatever he did, he failed! T2 reads like an essay on filmmaking nostalgia, playing with the different textures between film and digital and accompanied by a bunch of overdue Northern 80's classics used in excess and out of place. Too much emphasis is put on the mythical Begbie that just couldn't deliver. Spud, Sickboy and, what's his name, Mark Rant-on did it all again for the sake of your moneys' worth handjob. The decadence was there, some new experimental takes on toilets and a couple of lookers, it's not like it's a bad film, how could it be... it was fine! Just not overwhelming... as expected actually, no?
I, DANIEL BLAKE de Ken Loach

8.5 / 10
Now everybody can agree that that was an emotionally charged very strong movie; with a predictable ending and even so not less heart crushing because of it. Master Loach bringing documentary to fiction once more with his tireless social agenda towards giving visibility to the injustices against the modern working class having to rapidly adapt to the mediums of this brave new world. And me, having gone through the job seekers allowance labyrinth myself, it's goes to the extent of caricature how well it was portrayed by this character, representing so many proud people, on the verge of tears.
SAFARI de Ulrich Seidl
9 / 10
Probably my favourite director in fiction really blew my mind with the silent cruelty you get immersed in while watching "Safari". Ulrich Seidl follow these elitist, and borderline disgusting, families of hunters and trophy hunters, showing them for what they are, without any commentary, he gained their trust and subsequently they dig their own hole by themselves (goes to show how dilluded they are!). Many powerful scenes juxtaposing death with the majestic beauty of the animals they chose to take the life of for... not much! For sport, for adrenaline, for a monkey-centric hard on...
One of the most brutal, dense and, simultaneously, psychedelic gigs I've experienced in along long time!! It was like war, people were truly into it, it was heart warming to see metal fans move and mosh like kids once again instead of just staring, smoking and head-banging. But SHIT! These Swedes mean business, the technical delicacy they provide is off the scale how something can be so heavy and sound so clear... A great plus is I got in for free with my usual signs asking if "anyone can spare a ticket to see: MESHUGGAH!" And... Always works :D
JOHN FROM de João Nicolau
8 / 10
Como amante do surrealismo que sou, desde a "A Espada e a Rosa" que fiquei de olho no percurso de João Nicolau. No seu novo "John From" não saí desiludido (apesar de no principio pensar que sim). Um dos lapsos que senti em "A Espada e a Rosa" foi a pouca utilização de grandes planos dos acotres e pouco cuidado na densidade psicológica dos personagens. Todo o filme parecia um ensaio com planos muito gerais, personagens tipo e cenas muito longas que, apesar da sua originalidade, deixava a desejar em termos de ser capaz de criar empatia com a história (já por si complexa e metafórica). Aqui, João Nicolau redimiu-se, passando no neo-realismo da vida nos subúrbios lisboetas através dos olhos de uma adolescente e seus sonhos erótico-Ally-Mcbelianos por um homem mais velho, um aventureiro, um viajante... o resto não divulgo! As cenas finais valem a pena! Quero mais :)
Pelo Teatro Meridional. Visualmente muito apelativo mas as histórias eram um pouco insossas. Viajei muito no entanto, a mistura de música e dança fez com que me despegasse da dramaturgia e deixasse o meu corto para outras regiões (não necessariamente asiáticas...)
Pelo Teatro do Bairro. Surrealismo é sempre uma aragem de ar fresco. As coreografias, as dinâmicas entre os actores e o ambiente de nonsense-poético-sexual que foi criado funcionou lindamente. No entanto, a abstração foi levada demasiado longe e perdeu-se um pouco o fio narrativo capaz de transpor a escrita descontextualizada de Cesariny para o formato teatral.
POESÍA SIN FÍN de Alejandro Jodorowsky

9 / 10
A sua presença foi-nos prometida para a ante-estreia de mais uma obra de culto mas infelizmente, por motivos de saúde, o Meste Jodo não pode comparecer. No seguimento de "A Dança da Realidade" neste filme prosseguimos na trilha da sua biografia pessoal antes de partir do Chile para Paris devido à opressão cultural do regime de Pinochet. É um filme aprimorado, com a estética e fetiches do costume, mas incrivelmente inovador na abordagem e pleno de comédia. Jodorowsky, no final, prepara o público para que esta seja a sua despedida do cinema enquanto, ao mesmo tempo, nos deixa a esperança que a magia continue. O twist é certamente o acto de Psicomagia que pratica com ambos os seus filhos ao perdoar o pai pelos seus pecados, on camera. De arrepiar... Filmes com esta textura em breve entrarão em extinção.
ZU @ Galeria Zé dos Bois
Já os estava para ver outra vez aos anos, a primeira e ultima tinha sido no Festival Roskilde em 2009.
Sem dúvida, uma banda, que leva tudo à frente! Ouçam por vocês mesmos!!! Com destaque para a banda de noise-jazz-experimental de Älforjs
Bernardo Álvares + Mestre André + Raphael Soares
@ ZDB, Lisboa, 30.11.2016
Bernardo Álvares + Mestre André + Raphael Soares
@ ZDB, Lisboa, 30.11.2016
quinta-feira, 23 de março de 2017
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