Caffeine Intravenous

sexta-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2017

WASTED WASTE | Desperdício Desperdiçado de Pedro Serra :)

"Wasted waste" é um documentário sobre o desperdício alimentar que nos dá a conhecer o freeganismo, que luta contra este desperdício. Ao mesmo tempo, mostra movimentos que contribuem para um estilo de vida mais sustentável, como a Fruta Feia, Refood, Maria Granel, Banco do Tempo e GoodAfter.

Freeganism is a practice and ideology of limited participation in the conventional economy and minimal consumption of resources, particularly through recovering wasted goods like food. The word "freegan" is a portmanteau of "free" and "vegan". While vegans might avoid buying animal products as an act of protest against animal exploitation, freegans—at least in theory—avoid buying anything as an act of protest against the food system in general.
Freeganism is often presented as synonymous with "dumpster diving" for discarded food, although freegans are distinguished by their association with an anti-consumerist and anti-capitalist ideology and their engagement in a wider range of alternative living strategies, such as voluntary unemployment, squatting abandoned buildings, and "guerrilla gardening" in unoccupied city parks

quarta-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2017

Publicado na Revista Piolho #24

SKY SHAMANS OF MONGOLIA - Meetings with remarkable healers by Kevin Turner

"Some Mongolian shamans told me that all the worlds are right here, overlapping eachother. These holographic frequencies, much like the many radio waves that inhabit any space, are ever-present, but not perceived unless consciousness, like a radio, is tuned to resonate with them. As Tesla advised, "if you want to understand the universe, think only of vibration, frequency and energy". In his Red Book, Carl Jung described inner discussions with beings in his visions who told him that they were not psychological archetypes or mere aspects of a person's expanded personality; rather: "We are real, and not symbols". Arthur Schopenhauer said, "Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.

This is remarkably exciting news. We may soon, as a species, be able to move beyond opinionated squabbling, and into direct attainment with transcendent intelligences! Studies of the Near-Death Experience (NDE) are especially exciting, as they appear to scientifically indicate direct perception of realms that shamans have described for tens of thousands of years. The scientific age and the shamanistic age may be merging into something that could bring human beings to unimaginable heights of health and joy. 

It could be said that religion is born when the last shaman of a community dies. Once the living connection with spirit has been broken, the people have only the memories of miracles performed by the shamans, or the rituals, ceremonies, and stories they told. These stories and trappings are then passed down as sacred; over time they are written down and become sacrosanct, so that questioning them stimulates fear and outrage."

About the author: "Mongolian and Westerners alike questioned how I, as an American raised in a materialist culture in the scientific age, could be interested in a primitive, "magical" system such as shamanism. I reply that shamanism is highly scientific - if a method does not get results, other methods are sought until they are found. Results are in fact achieved, and shamanism continues as it has throughout history, always reborn anew after every suppression, persecution, or dissolution. 

Which relates to my next documentary "Tengri" about neo-shamanism and spirituality, filmed in Siberia and Mongolia, around Irkutsk and Ulaanbataar during Cinéma du Désert's 2015 expedition:

"Tenger, Your thundering voice
Is heard close to the abyss,
Unifier of the thoughts of the Mongols...
Your gigantic; great body is like lightning,
Ruler over many clouds, 
With ten thousand eyes..."